What does the term “social venture” mean?

社会创业是一个术语,用来描述解决两个底线的企业活动:社会和财务. A social venture develops a project, organization, 或者是满足社会需求并为此提供可持续收入的企业.

Are there different kinds of social ventures?

Social ventures take many forms:

  • FareStart 西雅图的一家公司培训无家可归的人成为厨师和厨房工作人员. 它像一个典型的餐馆一样经营,但它的目的是培训无家可归的人工作.
  • 一个国际项目的例子来自华盛顿大学的全球社会创业大赛, 在那里,一个来自韩国的获奖团队提出了一个制造自供电的项目, hand-cranked AM radios for use in rural Mongolia.
  • Krochet Kids sells caps in the U.S. made by people in impoverished countries (e.g., Uganda). 这为这些社区的家庭提供了就业、教育和商业培训.


社会创业计划是一种评估、规划和组织项目的系统方法. 在本次比赛中,学生们将根据比赛的内容制定自己的书面计划 Social Venture Planning Template. 来自社区的读者对这些计划进行评估、评分并打分.

随后,学生参赛者在一个名为“展示回合”的桌上展示他们的项目. 在这里,他们通过与官方评委和其他访客的对话,推销自己的项目及其好处. 评委给他们最喜欢的团队打分,而游客可以为他们最喜欢的项目投票. 网易彩票app将读者对书面社会创业计划的评分与评委在展示环节的评分相结合. 累积积分最高的项目将获得奖励. The project that receives the most votes from faculty, staff, students, 和其他参观者将获得人民选择奖.

Is this an individual or team competition?

We encourage students to form teams. Developing a good plan requires a lot of brainstorming, research, and writing; it’s a big effort and having more people will make it more manageable. In addition, 展示是一个长达数小时的活动,团队能够更好地管理和回应来自大量学生的询问, faculty, staff, and judges who will visit during that time-period.

We encourage students to work together and seek teammates with a variety of skills from different disciplines; we recommend that at least two students represent each project. Teams may have a maximum of six students.

What kinds of students does the competition attract?

Historically, 每年参加SVPC的学生中约有一半是工商管理或国际可持续发展专业的学生. However, a great number of other disciplines also get involved, including students in Accounting, Apparel Design, Biology, Communications, Economics, Educational Ministries, Engineering, Political Science, Psychology, and Social Justice and Cultural Studies, just to name a few.


其他学校的学生可以并且已经参加了社会创业计划竞赛. 有些团队甚至由来自几所学校的学生组成.

Who should participate?

你是一名学生,想把有价值的服务或产品带给那些通常无法接触到的人吗? 你有一种设备可以适用于服务不足的社区吗? 你有没有想过如何利用未被充分利用的资源来造福社会? 你是否有一个可以为积极的改变筹集资金的商业想法? Then you should participate in the Social Venture Plan Competition!

任何有兴趣实施解决社会需求的创新项目的学生都可以参加比赛. 网易彩票app提供了一个机会来发展你的想法,并把它呈现给那些能够帮助你启动项目的人.

并非所有进入SVPC的学生都打算推出自己的商业理念. That’s OK! 比赛提供了一个学习更多商业计划的机会, explore social issues, network with outside professionals, all while learning valuable skills.

What kind of support do students receive?

网易彩票app提供一个2学分的课程(BUS 3682),引导学生通过创建一个社会创业计划的步骤. 在课程结束时,学生应该有一份书面的社会创业计划草案. 在创业计划的特定方面的专家在课程中做简短的演讲, 然后与团队合作,应用已经提出的概念.

What kinds of projects are you looking for?

Projects may be very diverse in terms of social need addressed, product or service offered, or organizational strategy. Be creative! Here are a few sample categories:

  • 通过销售商品和服务来满足社会需求的非营利组织.g., farestart.org).
  • B-corps或其他具有社会影响成分的营利性企业.g., miir.com). 
  • Outreach or ministry organizations — local, national, 或全球——也通过销售商品和服务产生收入.g., rainierhealth.com).
  • 开发工程设备以解决社会公益问题的公司.g., kickstart.org).
  • Ventures that direct scientific research to a social purpose (e.g., benetech.org).
  • Businesses that apply profits to forward a social need (e.g., bombas).
  • Organizations that transfer technology to developing countries (e.g., www.path.org).

What are the competition’s goals?

Our primary goal is to help SPU students learn how to evaluate, create, develop, and launch an enterprise that addresses a social need. The development of business planning skills is paramount. 其次,网易彩票app寻找具有创业精神并培养其天赋的学生. Third, 网易彩票app希望这次活动能够突出创新项目和他们背后的创意学生,成为非营利和营利性组织的社区领袖. 该竞赛为学生提供了与潜在投资者建立联系的机会, advisors, mentors, business executives, and other community leaders.

What criteria will be used to judge the plans?

Projects will be judged and scored on three broad criteria:

  • 解决社会需求的重要性和计划实现的可能性, if implemented, would make a measurable difference on this social issue.
  • The likelihood that the plan can be successfully implemented, including the project’s overall financial viability.
  • The quality of the written and verbal presentation of the plan.


What do the winners receive?

The Herbert B. Jones Grand Prize is $10,000. 还有一个5000美元的亚军和三个2500美元的荣誉奖. The Donald B. Summers People’s Choice award is $1,500. 网易彩票app对奖金没有任何附加条件,因此获奖者可以随心所欲地使用这笔资金. Prize money is considered taxable income.

Where can I learn more?

Learn more from the 2024 Official Rules, by contacting the Center for Applied Learning at cal@csaaiir.com, or by consulting these resources:

  • SCORE offers tutorials on putting together a plan, especially helpful with financials. This site includes links to sample business plans.
  • The U.S. 小企业协会有网易彩票app如何写商业计划的建议 on their site.
  • A case study of a business that includes a business plan developed by the owners. Written by long-time SBGE faculty member Dr. Herb Kierulff.
  • The University of Washington’s site for its Dempsey Startup Competition.